Mission & Ethos


A child centred, value driven school.


The interests and needs of our learners, educators, parents and all who have interest in the school are important to us and we therefore strive to achieve the following:

  • a future orientated academic system which prepares the learners in totality
  • to dynamically manage the school according to acceptable business principles
  • to create a healthy climate to encourage optimal development of the child in totality so that the learner is free to make a positive input to the school
  • a professional and supportive staff, who in co-operation with parents, within the ethos of the school, accept combined responsibility for the education of the learner
  • to involve the parent corps to support and uphold the vision, mission and goals of the school
  • to develop a healthy interaction between the school and the community
  • to take a leading role in the development of education
  • to offer specialised training and opportunities to enable the optimal development of the child
  • to create the best facilities to effectively allow the learner to develop in full


The Ethos of Huttenpark Primary is as follows:

  • The Christian character, traditions and values of the school are acknowledged and extended at all times taking into account the regulations in the Constitution of SA regarding the place and rights of other religions.
  • Positive participation in a variety of sporting and cultural activities is encouraged.
  • Co-operation and respect between the respective language groups is nurtured and individual cultures pertaining are acknowledged.
  • The uniqueness of every individual is acknowledged and the development of a positive self-image is enhanced.
  • In order to function as a value-driven school, we subscribe to the following fundamental values: Responsibility, caring, honesty/loyalty, citizenship, respect and fairness.


Waardegedrewe skool met die kind as kern.


Die belange en behoeftes van ons leerders, personeel, ouers en almal wat ‘n belang in die skool het, is vir ons belangrik en daarom streef ons daarna om:

  • ‘n toekomsgerigte akademiese stelsel daar te stel wat leerders in totaliteit voorberei.
  • die skool dinamies te bestuur volgens aanvaarbare besigheidsbeginsels.
  • ‘n gesonde klimaat vir die optimale ontwikkeling van die kind in totaliteit te skep sodat die leerder ook ‘n positiewe bydrae tot die skool kan lewer.
  • ‘n professionele en ondersteunende personeelkorps wat in samewerking met die ouers binne die etos van die skool, medeverantwoordelikheid aanvaar vir die opvoeding van die leerder.
  • ‘n meelewende ouerkorps te ontwikkel wat die visie, missie en doelwitte van die skool ondersteun en uitdra.
  • ‘n gesonde interaksie tussen skool en gemeenskap te ontwikkel en uit te bou.
  • ‘n leiersrol te speel in die ontwikkeling van die onderwys.
  • aan die leerders gespesialiseerde afrigting en geleenthede te bied om binne hulle vermoë optimaal te presteer
  • die mees effektiewe fasiliteite daar te stel om die leerder doeltreffend in totaliteit te ontwikkel
  • ‘n professionele doelmatige administratiewe diens te lewer.


The Ethos of Huttenpark Primary is as follows:

  • Die Christelike karakter, tradisies en waardes van die skool word ten alle tye eerbiedig en op voortgebou met inagneming van die Grondwet van SA met betrekking tot die plek en regte van ander godsdienste.
  • Positiewe deelname aan ‘n verskeidenheid sport- en kulturele aktiwiteite word aangemoedig.
  • Samewerking en respek tussen die onderskeie taalgroepe word gehandhaaf en die kultuur-eie van die individu word erken.
  • Die uniekheid van elke individu word erken en daar word daadwerklik aan die vorming van ‘n positiewe selfbeeld meegewerk.
  • Om as ʼn waardegedrewe skool te funksioneer onderskryf ons die volgende fundamentele waardes : Verantwoordelikheid, omgee, eerlikheid/lojaliteit, burgerskap, respek en regverdigheid.